Welcome to Bethel Comprehensive College

Bethel Comprehensive College was established in September 2002 at Alakia area in Ibadan, Oyo State in South Western, Nigeria

It consists of the following schools:

JUNIOR comprehensive college SENIOR comprehensive college

Our Aim is to nurture our children to be the Change the World needs. We place great value on godly character and moral education as well on academic achievements to stimulate the positive change the world needs.

Our Mission Statement is to point the child in the right direction by providing him or her with the needed knowledge. We then put the acquired knowledge to test without aiding him or her to fraudulently pass exams so as to nurture and produce graduates who can stand the test of time.

Majority may not agree with the idea of success with dignity... but Bethel Comprehensive College sees no other solution to the world's problems than this strategy, that is why in all actions and inactions of our students, they always reflect the school motto ... CHRIST IN ME ... and you can say the hope of glory.

We believe that every child has the God-given ability to succeed in life.

Bethel Comprehensive College is an independent, non-partisan, day and boarding school for boys and girls from 9years - 17years. We encourage students to be lifelong learners by instilling in them great confidence, respect and a consciousness of the needs of society.


  • The Lord is with me
  • He will keep me in all my ways
  • He will bring me into His promised land
  • He will not leave me until He fulfils
  • that which He has spoken concerning my life
  • I pray that in all things in my life, Christ might have Pre-eminence. Amen.

Important Notice

Sales of admission form has begun at the College, Purchase Now!
school calendar

6th January, 2025.

20TH & 21ST January, 2025.

19TH MARCH, 2025.

4TH APRIL, 2025.

2025 Entrance Exams are scheduled for Saturday:

May 10, 2025.

July 12, 2025.

August 23, 2025.
